The WinLock module locks the keyboard shortcuts to choose from, which are specified by Windows.
All options are available when configuring a VisXpert project. can be a system restart is not required. The settings made in the configuration are active until the WinLock window is cleared again.
Here you can test the effect of the functions. When the WinLock module is started in the
flow, all settings that were previously made in the configuration become active.
If the dGina.dll is installed, the DLL can be uninstalled using the “uninstall dGina” device. If dGina.dll is not installed, the menu item “dGina dll Install” appears under File.
Note: the dGina.dll is required to lock the CTRL-ALT-DEL key combination. When dGina.dll is installed, restrictions are to be expected in the user login of the system.
Features of the functions
CTRL ALT DEL (only 32 bits)
Suppresses the CTRL+ALT+DEL key combination and releases it again. This keyboard shortcut of CTRL, ALT, and DEL will reboot the PC.
Suppresses the CTRL+ESC key combination and releases it again. This keyboard shortcut of CTRL and ESC makes the Windows Start menu appear.
Suppresses the ALT+TAB key combination and releases it again. This keyboard shortcut of “ALT” and “TAB” ensures that you can switch between open items.
Suppresses the ALT+ESC key combination and releases it again. This keyboard shortcut of “ALT” and “ESC” ensures that you can switch between open items in the order in which they were opened.
Suppresses the ALT+F4 key combination and releases it again. This keyboard shortcut of “ALT” and “F4” ensures that the active element is gESChlossen or the active program is terminated.
Win Key
Suppresses the Windows buttons and releases them again.
When Win Key is activated, the following functions are locked:
- Win button: Show start menu
- Win + M: Minimize all windows
- Win + SHIFT + M: Uncleans the “Minimize All Windows” command
- Win + E: Open Windows Explorer
- Win + F: Show search dialog
- Win + CTRL + F: View search for computers
- Win + F1: View Help and Support Center
- Win + R: Show execution dialog
- Win + Pause: Show system properties
- Win + L: PC Locks
- Win + U: Open Utility Manager
- Win + Q: Switch users
Application Key
Suppresses the Application Key button (Windows menu key) and the SHIFT+F10 key combination and releases it again.
The Application Key and SHIFT+F10 correspond to the right mouse button function.
Windows Taskbars
With this property, the entire Windows Taskbar can be made invisible and visible again.
Windows Desktops
This feature makes the Windows Desktop invisible and visible again. All icons are hidden on the desktop; the background image remains visible.
Windows Start Buttons
This property allows the Windows Start button to be hidden and reappeared in the taskbar.
However, the Windows Start menu is still accessible via the CTRL+ESC keyboard shortcuts and the Win Keys.
Tray Icons in the Windows Taskbar
With this feature, the tray icons can be hidden in the Windows Taskbar and made visible again.
Applications Links in the Windows Taskbar
This property allows the task links to be hidden and made visible again in the Windows Taskbar.
Right mouse button
With the help of this property, the right mouse button can be switched off and switched back on system-wide.